Fisheries Advocacy (old)

QSIA has been a vocal advocate for the rights of its members and commercial fishing in Queensland.

Fisheries Reform Questionnaires

Regulatory Impact Statement and Queensland Fisheries Reform

RTI001-Amendment-to-Fisheries-Regulation-2008 QPC PIA 2020 regulation quotas RIS required

Petition: Loss of confidence in the management of Fisheries Queensland

This industry has been subject to unacceptably poor fisheries policy development and the management of Fisheries Queensland needs to be held accountable. The text of the petition is detailed below – please sign online or email the office to obtain a word/pdf copy. Petition link: Queensland Parliament Word version – QSIA Petition_28 July 2021 PDF version – QSIA Petition_28 July 2021 If you collect signatures please use the correct form of the petition (including the name and address) must appear on each page of the petition to be presented to the House. Title: Loss of confidence in the management of Fisheries Queensland. The text of the petition is outlined below. TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland. Queensland residents draw to the attention of the House that the seafood catching sector has lost confidence in the management of our fisheries resources. Our loss of confidence is based on the potential collective loss of access to our marine resources for recreational and commercial fishers and the Queensland community. An important example of this is loss of confidence is the potential loss of, or extremely restricted access to, the Queensland Spanish Mackerel fishery to both recreational and commercial fishers and critically, the Queensland community. Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to call for a full commission of inquiry into the management of Fisheries Queensland. Principal Petitioners: Shane Snow, Vice President C/- Queensland Seafood Industry Association PO Box 3856 VICTORIA POINT QLD 4165

Discussion Paper – Proposed Changes to the Fisheries Regulation 2008


Feedback Sheets

Members and non-members are encouraged to provide feedback to the Association by 5pm Monday 15 July 2019.

Recreational Fishing Impacts


Queensland Government Discussion Papers

The Queensland Government released a series of papers seeking feedback on changes to fisheries management in the crab, net and trawl fisheries.


QSIA Questionnaires

The Association has prepared its own feedback mechanisms through questionnaires and response sheet that can be accessed here.

Please send your completed feedback sheet by email to or by mail to PO Box 392,Clayfield Qld 4011 by no later than Friday 19 April 2019.


Industry Submission


Fisheries Reform Process: QSIA Submission


Sustainable Fisheries Strategy Discussion Papers

The Queensland government has released four discussion papers for comment by Sunday 20 May 2018.

Responses to these discussion papers is required by Sunday 20 May 2018. QSIA will be coordinating an industry response to the discussion papers.  The association will provide a feedback process by the end of May 2018.


QSIA and the introduction of VMS

QSIA correspondence regarding the introduction of vessel management systems to the commercial fishing sector.


QSIA Submission Green Paper Submission

The following paper was drafted in response to the State Government’s fisheries green paper process.


Reef Blueprint for Resilience

QSIA concerns regarding the Reef Blueprint for Resilience