Qld 2020 News Posts #08: Update – Mental Health and Commercial Fisheries

The productivity Commission is examining both the social and economic impacts of mental ill-health. I was privileged to be able to attend a public hearing in Brisbane on Tuesday 3 December 2019. I hope my commentary accurately reflects issues of concern regarding mental ill-health amongst the e Queensland commercial fishing industry.
The attached transcript excerpt is from the Productivity Commission’s public hearing into mental health which took place at Central Plaza Annex Building 345 Queen Street, Brisbane, pp.84-90.
Productivity Commission_Transcript_3 Dec 2019
Productivity Commission_Full Transcript_3 Dec 2019
Author: Eric Perez, CEO, Queensland Seafood Industry Association (QSIA).
Image: QSIA.
This message is endorsed by and proudly brought to you by the QSIA under the Qld 2020 campaign in the interests of achieving better fisheries management for industry and the community. Qld 2020 is about: a fair go – for food producers, their families and regional / coastal small business job creators.