Lack of Trust in the Fisheries Reform Process

There continues to be an ongoing dialogue across industry and the community regarding the current, so-called fisheries reform process.
To make sure the Association provides data to underpin its concerns and based on increasing industry concerns regarding the reform process, a second survey was drafted including a new section regarding VMS.
Preliminary results: Preliminary Survey Results_3 Dec 2018
Media Release: MR_Lack of Trust in the Fisheries Reform Process_3 Dec 2018
If you work in the Queensland commercial fishing business you can still take a survey by using the following link:
On the 28 November the Queensland Seafood Industry Association (QSIA), Gulf of Carpentaria, Commercial Fisherman’s Association (GoCCFA) and the Moreton Bay Seafood Industry Association (MBSIA) wrote to the Minister for Fisheries, the Hon Mark Furner MP outlining a loss in confidence in the reform process.
Letter to Minister Furner_28 Nov 2018
In March 2018 the QSIA released a survey to understand industry views regarding the fisheries reform process.
Survey Letter and Report_21 March 2018
Author: Eric Perez, CEO, QSIA
Image: QSIA and K. Morgan
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