National Farmers Federation 2030 Leaders Program

The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) in conjunction with the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (ARLF) are inviting applications from people interested in a playing a lead role in agricultural future to apply for the NFF 2030 Leaders Program.
The NFF website states that to be eligible, applicants must demonstrate an active involvement in agriculture (which needn’t be limited to farming) and be over 18 years of age.
Applications are now open and are set to close by 31 July 2018.
The NFF 2030 Leaders Program is has been made possible by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources’ Leadership in Agricultural Industries Fund.
Apply here: Application forms
For more information regarding the program contact Heidi Reid P: 0411781 509 E:
Author: Eric Perez, CEO – Queensland Seafood Industry Association
Image: NFF Facebook
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